Monday, September 10, 2007

It's All Text! - A wonderful Firefox extension

It's All Text! is a Firefox extension. With this extension you can edit the text area in a webpage using external editors, e.g. Emacs, VIM, Notepad ... etc.

After installed this extension, restarted Firefox, there will be a small "edit" button at the right bottom corner of a text edit area. For example, Gmail compose message, blogger input box, or comment area. Assign an external editor in the preference of It's All Text!, click this "edit" button or right click on the text area and select It's All Text!, you will be switched to the editor. Type anything and save the file, the text will be copied back to the text edit area in the webpage.

This is a really amazing feature I was looking for since long ago. Under Windows I use a bat file to start emacsclient:

d:\Emacs\bin\emacsclientw.exe -f "PATHTO\.emacs.d\server\server" -a "d:\Emacs\bin\runemacs.exe" -n %1

Select this bat file as the editor for It's All Text!

Of course you need to start server in Emacs first. Add this line into your .emacs file:


Have fun!

Maybe later we can post blog using emacs-muse with this Firefox extension more conveniently. We'll see.

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