Monday, February 12, 2007



unicad project is now hosted on Google Code:

The latest unicad.el can be find in the download list.

I would like to introduce unicad.el, a Universal charset auto detector for GNU Emacs.

If you have to deal text files in multi language (Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German or Polish) or have the experience of reading a garbled text file or being confused to choose a correct encoding, this unicad.el is here for you. It can tell (or guess) which coding-system is most probably for a plain text file. It's very easy to use unicad.el. Simply download and copy this file to your emacs loading path (like "site-lisp"), add following lines to your ~/.emacs:
(require 'unicad)

It's supposed that the coding detection process will not interfere your regular edit tasks. If you found the speed of find-file is slowed down, you'd better byte-compile this file.

Hope you'll enjoy it.

Download page of unicad.el.